Write for us

HIPAA HQ is the go-to resource for HIPAA compliant web hosting, email and cloud storage. We are constantly updating on anything related to HIPAA compliance. Our audience consists of small to medium business owners looking for ways to comply to the extended HIPAA compliance laws.

Guest post opportunities

You are more than welcome to publish a guest post on our blog, as long as it is relevant for your audience. Whether you’re an industry professional or a company offering HIPAA related products, you can write for HIPAA HQ and establish yourself as the leader in your field. You can link to relevant products or resources on your own website, along with an author bio including your homepage link.

Please note: If you’re an independent writer, we won’t pay you for the articles you pitch us. However, if we enjoy your work there’s a high probability we will hire you to write on our blog or other sections of our site.

If you want to know more about the various guest post opportunities, please have a look at our advertising page. If you want to pitch an article, please use the contact form.

We’re looking forward to working with you.

Note: Please only pitch articles related to HIPAA compliant services to us.