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HIPAA HQ is specialized in proving useful and relevant information about HIPAA related services, with a focus on HIPAA compliant web hosting, email hosting, and cloud storage. Thousands of highly targeted visitors from the industry are visiting HIPAA HQ each month, and we gladly cooperate with service providers to bring our visitors excellent content. We are very transparent with our readers and always try to indicate when pieces are paid promotion and we always make sure that the products and services that are promoted on HIPAA HQ keep the high level of standards that our readers trust us to deliver.

Visitor engagement is high on any of our articles, especially on the our popular providers lists. Current advertisers are seeing great results and are receiving excellent leads, which is why most of the top positions are booked months in advance. Using a combination of promotional methods is the best way to make the most out of your campaign.

HIPAA HQ has various forms of advertising opportunities, which allow for presenting your company and solution, as well as showing your expertise. Discounts are available when ordering multiple advertising units. We currently have open spots for:

Enhanced visibility with paid placements on our provider list

For the various types of HIPAA compliant hosting (email, cloud storage and web hosting) we compiled a list of selected providers in that specific area. To increase the visibility for your placement in the list, we offer paid placements.

We currently have a provider list on the following topics:

Every list has a selected number of companies, which made the list based on their feature set, pricing, and customer support. Each list has the following order:

  1. Recommended provider: Based on our own research and requirements, possibly paid (see note)
  2. Paid placements: This is where listings with enhanced visibility are placed.
  3. Regular listings: All the other providers, based on popularity.

Note: Unlike regular paid placements, the recommended provider placement can only be paid for by a provider that offers an excellent product for our readers. For the recommendation, we look for a combination of features, security measures, and pricing.

A paid placement only gives your enhanced placement visibility, the content of the listing itself is at the discretion of HIPAA HQ to keep our independent standpoint.

We are always open to new submissions to our list. If you feel your company qualifies to be on of the list, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Regular guest post / No-advertisement option

We are always expanding our website to provide more and detailed insights into the complex HIPAA topic and its related services. If you are a service provider offering HIPAA compliant services, we would like to invite you to make one or more guest posts for our blog. Writing for HIPAA HQ gives you the following benefits:

  • Establish yourself as a knowledgeable company, gaining trust from potential customers.
  • Tell about the problem your product is solving (keep in mind the guidelines below).
  • Gain access to our valuable readers by having an author box below your article with 1 link to your website.

While we are open to any topic regarding HIPAA compliant services, we do have the following guidelines:

  • Make sure to keep your article relevant to our audience. We can advise you on this part.
  • Don’t make your article overly promotional. The goal is to establish yourself as a knowledgeable source, so let the article speak for itself.
  • You can link to any product or article on your own site, as long as it serves the article and topic you’re discussing.
  • Always use unique content, it is now allowed to publish content which has already been published before. We can connect you to an excellent writer if you don’t have one in-house.
  • You can submit case studies, as long as the content is unique and the article itself focuses on solving a specific problem.
  • HIPAA HQ has the right to edit any article before it gets published to make sure it complies with our guidelines.
  • HIPAA HQ has the right to add up to 3 ad units inside the article, which can possibly display competing products or companies
  • HIPAA HQ reserves the right to link to relevant content on our site, excluding our provider lists.

If you want to publish an article on, please use our contact form to get in touch.

NEW: Promotional guest post

In addition to regular guest posts, we now allow for promotional guest posts. The main limitation of the regular guest posts is that the article shouldn’t be overly promotional and can’t be used as a direct promotion for a solution or company. This limitation isn’t enforced on promotional guest posts. These type of posts give you the following benefits:

  • Promote a specific solution or your company in general, to the audience of HIPAA HQ.
  • Expand on the information in your listing on one of our provider lists.
  • Promote your solution or company, even when you are not on one of our lists (like for example when you offer HIPAA compliant training).
  • You can include your logo and/or relevant images in the article and we won’t be serving any other ads in the article.

These posts will be clearly marked as paid advertisements and come with the following guidelines:

  • You can link to any page on your own website, as long as you keep the number of links related to the length of the article.
  • Always use unique content, it is now allowed to publish content which has already been published before. We can connect you to an excellent writer if you don’t have one in-house.
  • You can submit case studies, as long as the content is unique.
  • HIPAA HQ has the right to edit any article before it gets published to make sure it complies with our guidelines.
  • HIPAA HQ reserves the right to link to relevant content on our site, excluding our provider lists.

Pricing for promotional guest posts

Each promotional guest post will cost $795, with a 20% discount for each additional promotional guest posts published within one month after the previous article. This price includes the no-ads option, which is optional for regular guest posts.

HIPAA HQ is specialized in proving useful and relevant information about HIPAA related services, with a focus on HIPAA compliant web hosting, email hosting, and cloud storage. Thousands of highly targeted visitors from the industry are visiting HIPAA HQ each month, and we gladly cooperate with service providers to bring our visitors excellent content.

Visitor engagement is high on any of our articles, especially on the our popular providers lists. Current advertisers are seeing great results and are receiving excellent leads, which is why most of the top positions are booked months in advance. Using a combination of promotional methods is the best way to make the most out of your campaign.

HIPAA HQ has various forms of advertising opportunities, which allow for presenting your company and solution, as well as showing your expertise. Discounts are available when ordering multiple advertising units. We currently have open spots for:

Enhanced visibility with paid placements on our provider list

For the various types of HIPAA compliant hosting (email, cloud storage and web hosting) we compiled a list of selected providers in that specific area. To increase the visibility for your placement in the list, we offer paid placements.

We currently have a provider list on the following topics:

Every list has a selected number of companies, which made the list based on their feature set, pricing, and customer support. Each list has the following order:

  1. Recommended provider: Based on our own research and requirements, possibly paid (see note)
  2. Paid placements: This is where listings with enhanced visibility are placed.
  3. Regular listings: All the other providers, based on popularity.

Note: Unlike regular paid placements, the recommended provider placement can only be paid for by a provider that offers an excellent product for our readers. For the recommendation, we look for a combination of features, security measures, and pricing.

A paid placement only gives your enhanced placement visibility, the content of the listing itself is at the discretion of HIPAA HQ to keep our independent standpoint.

We are always open to new submissions to our list. If you feel your company qualifies to be on of the list, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Regular guest post / No-advertisement option

We are always expanding our website to provide more and detailed insights into the complex HIPAA topic and its related services. If you are a service provider offering HIPAA compliant services, we would like to invite you to make one or more guest posts for our blog. Writing for HIPAA HQ gives you the following benefits:

  • Establish yourself as a knowledgeable company, gaining trust from potential customers.
  • Tell about the problem your product is solving (keep in mind the guidelines below).
  • Gain access to our valuable readers by having an author box below your article with 1 link to your website.

While we are open to any topic regarding HIPAA compliant services, we do have the following guidelines:

  • Make sure to keep your article relevant to our audience. We can advise you on this part.
  • Don’t make your article overly promotional. The goal is to establish yourself as a knowledgeable source, so let the article speak for itself.
  • You can link to any product or article on your own site, as long as it serves the article and topic you’re discussing.
  • Always use unique content, it is now allowed to publish content which has already been published before. We can connect you to an excellent writer if you don’t have one in-house.
  • You can submit case studies, as long as the content is unique and the article itself focuses on solving a specific problem.
  • HIPAA HQ has the right to edit any article before it gets published to make sure it complies with our guidelines.
  • HIPAA HQ has the right to add up to 3 ad units inside the article, which can possibly display competing products or companies
  • HIPAA HQ reserves the right to link to relevant content on our site, excluding our provider lists.

If you want to publish an article on, please use our contact form to get in touch with us.

NEW: Promotional guest post

In addition to regular guest posts, we now allow for promotional guest posts. The main limitation of the regular guest posts is that the article shouldn’t be overly promotional and can’t be used as a direct promotion for a solution or company. This limitation isn’t enforced on promotional guest posts. These types of posts give you the following benefits:

  • Promote a specific solution or your company in general, to the audience of HIPAA HQ.
  • Expand on the information in your listing on one of our provider lists.
  • Promote your solution or company, even when you are not on one of our lists (for example when you offer HIPAA compliant training).
  • You can include your logo and/or relevant images in the article and we won’t be serving any other ads in the article.

These posts will be clearly marked as paid advertisements and come with the following guidelines:

  • You can link to any page on your own website, as long as you keep the number of links related to the length of the article.
  • Always use unique content, it is not allowed to publish content which has already been published before. We can connect you to excellent writers if you don’t have one in-house.
  • You can submit case studies, as long as the content is unique.
  • HIPAA HQ has the right to edit any article before it gets published to make sure it complies with our guidelines.
  • HIPAA HQ reserves the right to link to relevant content on our site, excluding our provider lists.

Pricing for promotional guest posts

Each promotional guest post will cost $795, with a 20% discount for each additional promotional guest posts published within one month after the previous article. This price includes the no-ads option, which is optional for regular guest posts.

Paid review

If you want a professional research/writer to write about your company and HIPAA related services, you can order a paid review. A paid review gives you these benefits:

  • An excellent way to showcase your company and products to visitors of HIPAA HQ.
  • A thorough review by a professional on an independent HIPAA resource site, which you can show potential customers.
  • A paid review can be combined perfectly with one or more guest posts and/or a paid placement listing, to maximize exposure.
  • We make sure everything gets linked to each other.
  • There will be no advertisements inserted in the article and no reference to any competitor will be made.
  • The review will have a word count of around 2,000 words and can be expanded with an interview style questionnaire of 5 questions (4 standard, 1 custom) which aren’t included in the word count.

Given the delicate nature of paid reviews, we keep the following guidelines:

  • Each paid review will be clearly marked as such, with a short notice at the beginning and an extended notice end of the article including a link to these guidelines.
  • The researcher/writer will work fully independent and can’t be influenced in his opinion by neither HIPAA HQ nor the reviewed company.
  • There will be no form of contact between the writer and the reviewed company, only through the editor of HIPAA HQ.
  • Before publishing the review, the reviewed company will have the option to answer any remaining questions, clarify uncertainties and correct any small misconceptions.
  • The reviewed company has the right to prevent the review from being published, but no refund will be given.
  • For full disclosure we will end each review with a statement of how the review is performed, which changes were made, as well as again emphasize the fact that the writer was paid for writing the article and doing the research, but not for their opinion.
  • HIPAA HQ reserves the right to link to relevant content on our site, excluding our provider lists.

Pricing for paid reviews

A one-time fee of $1499 will be charged for the review. The fee needs to be paid up-front and no refund will be given unless the review can’t be performed due to unforeseen circumstances. Deciding to withdraw the review for publication is not a reason for a refund.

Special deal: For a paid review you will receive 1 month of enhanced visibility (paid placement) for your listing on a provider list of your choice for free.

Article Sponsoring

Update: Currently available (availability is always subject to change)

Some of our current articles and blog posts are open for article sponsoring. This gives you the opportunity to put your name, a promotional message, and link both on top and below the article. The current list of eligible articles include:

New articles will be added on a regular basis.

Pricing for article sponsoring

An article can be sponsored for a monthly fee of $499, paid per 3 months in advance. If you would like to make use of this opportunity, please contact us

We look forward to working with you.

Kind regards,