HIPAA Compliant Email Explained

The standards established for HIPAA compliant email require safe and secure methods of transmitting healthcare data and information by healthcare providers and their business associates. Like with most business entities, healthcare providers need to communicate using email as well as…

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HIPAA Compliant Email Providers

HIPAA compliant email providers turn regular email, an insecure communication method, into something secure and HIPAA compliant for your business. For an in-depth article on HIPAA Compliant Email, be sure to you read this article first: HIPAA Compliant Email Explained where you will learn more about the potential risks and benefits of combining HIPAA and […]

HIPAA Compliant Cloud Storage Explained

Using the cloud for storing files, requires HIPAA compliant cloud storage. The establishment of the HIPAA in 1996, and the subsequent establishment of the HITECH Act in 2009, requires healthcare providers to implement particular safeguards with respect to the protection of electronic…

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HIPAA Compliant Hosting Providers

If you are a covered entity according to the HIPAA laws and you want to run a HIPAA compliant website or application, you will be needing HIPAA compliant hosting. Please be sure you have read this full in-depth article first: HIPAA Compliant Hosting Explained. On this page you will find the complete list of HIPAA compliant hosting […]

What exactly is a Business Associate and why do we need an agreement?

Think about any entity, or individual, you allow access to your patient information (or Protected Health Information – PHI) in order to facilitate their job. This could be anyone from an IT company, your practice management system, even your collections agency. Wouldn’t it be nice to know these companies are taking precautions to safeguard your […]

Is Gmail HIPAA Compliant? – The Definitive Answer

“Is Gmail HIPAA compliant?” is probably the most popular question for HIPAA compliant email. It isn’t by default, but we’ll show you how it can be achieved. You can jump to the definitive answer right away, or read further if you want to learn more about the rules and regulations for HIPAA email compliance.